Texto desarrollo

Indentity of the owner

Pursuant to the provisions of article 10 of Act 34/2002 of July 11 on information society services and electronic commerce, we hereby inform the user that the owner of this website is the company BANCO COOPERATIVO ESPAÑOL S.A., with registered address at  4 Virgen de los Peligros Street, 28013 Madrid, Spain, and tax identification number (N.I.F.) A-79.496.055, registered with the Bank of Spain under number 0198.


Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact BANCO COOPERATIVO ESPAÑOL S.A. on + 91 334 67 80 or by email at bancocooperativo.attcliente@cajarural.com.

Texto buscador

Information about indentity of the owner and contact details 

Título buscador

Legal Notice

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Legal notice
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